Full Body Strength to Endurance

As minimalist as it gets; your body weight.

Combining yoga, animal flow, progressive body weight training and plyometric principles, this program progresses from strength ranges (6-10 reps per set) to endurance ranges (15 reps or more) over the course of four weeks.

Compete against yourself in the final week with AMRAPs (as many reps as possible), rep count goals and variable rest time progressions. Primarily core focused with one conditioning interval each workout.

KettlebellPower & Core

Learn to maximize what you have with the least equipment.

Combining power, strength, and endurance this program progresses volume over the course of four weeks, building to AMRAPs, rep count goals and timed circuits.

The program is built on the weight you can overhead press for 6 reps (single or double KB).

Super Band Functional Fitness


Like body weight but harder .. because of the band resistance.

Functional Fitness = an athletic program. The program features core, strength, endurance, agility, plyometrics and conditioning.

The program progresses volume and intensity over four weeks peaking with AMRAPs, rep count goals and total timed circuits.