#3 Nutrition - Where to Start? Strategy + Pro-tips

Nutrition like many other disciplines requires an understanding of the language - carbs, fats, proteins, calories, etc. - and then executing consistently (80% of the time). I think we can all agree that learning a new set of skills takes time, practice and patience. This is how nutrition coaching works by focusing and improving upon one skill at a time. For those who want to try this on their own, you can start by:  

identifying something you want to improve with your nutrition. 

One of the best ways to do this is by completing a food log. The food log is an awareness tool to help you see your patterns, trends and common food choices. If you use food diary apps such as My Fitness Pal, you can also see approximately how many and what types of calories are in different foods. It’s helpful to make connections among nutritional content in foods. You could just rinse and repeat this strategy of food logging for one to three days before selecting what change you want to make once monthly. This strategy works well if you have a good handle of the (nutrition) language and can identify what needs to happen.  

PDF Food Log

The next hurdle comes into play when we do the log and then still do not know what needs to happen to get us to our desired outcome. You could do research on your own or send your log to a Certified Nutritionist or Registered Dietitian and ask for a consultation. Sometimes, a few pointers is all you need. Much like if I wanted to invest in the stock market I would likely get the best results if I consulted with a Financial Advisor or Wealth Investment Group first. 

Here are some areas for opportunity I typically see. These tips are elements of general healthy nutrition:

  • Have x1-2 palm sized portions of protein with each meal

  • Have x1-2 fist sized portions of veggies with each meal 

  • Have a minimum of half your body-weight (pounds) in ounces of water per day

  • Eat until satisfied (80% full) or when you begin to feel satiated rather than eating until full (100% full)

  • Follow the 80% / 20% rule of doing what you should 80% of the time and what you want 20% (ex.  Having a free meal or having a drink a couple times per week).

If you feel stuck and these tips do not do the trick, continue to do your own research. Make sure to use credible sources like my certifying body Precision Nutrition or these government websites: Nutrition.Gov, NIH.Gov or CDC.Gov/nutrition. If you do not want to do your own research or are still not finding the results you are seeking, shoot me your food log for a free consultation or inquire about nutrition coaching. After analyzing your food log and eating habits, we create a list of nutrition skills to be developed. We do the research and put together a lesson plan so you can focus on learning and executing. It might be just what you need.







#4 - Sleep - The Big Three


#2: Overhead Motion - The Three Primary Components